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XRP Trader Made Millions Today Thanks to This 'De

Jul 05, 2023Jul 05, 2023

Pseudonymous trader who goes by @DefiSquared, the most successful trader on the Bybit exchange and the top wallet of DeBank, shared the story of one insane opportunity that happened today amid the cryptocurrency carnage.

Trader @DefiSquared managed to make "seven figures" thanks to a mysterious imbalance in XRP pairs on Bybit. Today, Aug. 18, 2023, the prices between coin-margined and USDT-margined XRP-based derivatives on Bybit were trading with 45% difference. This created an amazing arbitrage opportunity explored by the trader.

For anyone curious, the arb today was between the XRPUSD and XRPUSDT contracts on Bybit. A 45% discount occurred that closed after 10-20 minutes.Most likely, algo market makers ran out of spot XRP needed for the coin margined contract amidst the large liquidations that occurred

The dicsount "window" only lasted for 10-20 minutes. It might have happened due to large and unpredictable liquidations of XRP traders' positions.

As explained by the trader, algorithmically backed market-makers faced a shortage of spot XRP cryptocurrency needed for coin-margined derivatives trading.

Their colleagues who were trading USDT-margined contracts were not affected by the issue.

Just like all major altcoins, XRP is badly affected by the ongoing panic-driven sell-off. In almost no time, the token plunged from $0.57 to $0.47, losing over 17.5% of its value.

The collapse was surrounded by record-breaking liquidations on cryptocurrency markets. In total, 175,252 traders were liquidated in the last 24 hours, while the aggregated losses eclipsed $1.04 billion in equivalent.

When it comes to XRP, the total volume of liquidations is estimated at $27.92 million; almost 90% of this sum were the long positions of XRP bulls.

Out of this whopping amount, Bybit is responsible for $7.8 million, while Binance (BNB), the largest cryptocurrency exchange globally, is in charge for $7.4 million in equivalent.

The net market capitalization of crypto markets dropped by 6% overnight.

Blockchain Analyst & Writer with scientific background. 6+ years in IT-analytics, 3+ years in blockchain.

Worked in independent analysis as well as in start-ups (, Monoreto, Attic Lab etc.)

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